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Technical reports
Technical reports
Technical reports feature health status of developing countries and summarize the activities of the Bureau of International Health Cooperation and perspectives under different themes.
Technical report vol.08, March 2015
Table of contents
- Executive summary
- Abbreviations and acronyms
- Acknowledgements
- Preface
- Relation between HSS and disease and target-specific programmes in the global context
- Data collection
- Overview of health systems in subject countries
- Findings: Status of six building blocks of health systems observed from the perspective of disease and target-specific programmes
- Analysis 1: How has HSS contributed, and can further contribute to, disease and target-specific programmes?
- Analysis 2: How have disease and target-specific programmes contributed, and can further contribute, to HSS?
Technical report vol.06, March 2014 (Latter half of the document is written in English)
Table of contents
- Introduction
- The History of Recent NCGM Technical Support Provided through JICA's Technical Cooperation Project
- Outcomes of Operational Research
- Conclusions
Technical Report vol.05, March 2014
- Acknowledgements
- Acronyms
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion and recommendations
- References
Annex 1. Selected districts and villages
Annex 2. Questionnaire
Annex 3. Informed Consent form
Annex 4. Training Agenda
Annex 5. Supervisors and surveyors
Annex 6. Publication with PLOS ONE
Technical report vol.04, March 2013 (Latter half of the document is written in English
Table of contents
- Introduction
- Study methodology
- Study results
- Discussion of results
- Conclusions and recommendations
Bibliographic references