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Toppage > Activities > Overseas activities > Assessments


Realizing effective and efficient international health cooperation based on assessments


The Bureau of International Health Cooperation conducts various assessments regarding technical cooperation projects around the world.
Before the installation of technical cooperation projects, preparatory assessments are conducted. For ongoing projects, management and guidance mission and mid-term evaluation are conducted. After the completion of projects, summative evaluations are conducted. The results of these assessments are utilized to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the project implementation.

Recently conducted assessments(From 2017 to 2019)

As of Oct 2019

Mar 2019

Promotion of tuberculosis diagnostic kit (JICA Private Sector Partnership)

Feb 2019

Management and guidance mission for the Medical Equipment Maintenance and Strengthening Diagnostic Capacity Project

Dec 2018

Promotion of tuberculosis diagnostic kit (JICA Private Sector Partnership)

Oct 2018

In-country training on hospital management for pandemic influenza project

Sep 2018

Management and guidance mission for the JICA Project for Improving Continuum of Care with a Focus on Intra partum and Neonatal Care in Cambodia

Aug 2018

Viet Nam
Detail planning mission for the Project of Bench-to-Bedside System for Treatment Success and Prevention of HIV-1 Infection

Aug 2018

Promotion of tuberculosis diagnostic kit (JICA Private Sector Partnership)

Apr 2018

Promotion of tuberculosis diagnostic kit (JICA Private Sector Partnership)

Mar 2018

Viet Nam
The second area collaboration drill of ASEAN Disaster Medicine Strengthening Network Project

Mar 2018

Discussion on Thailand GLO+UHC and participation in the workshop organized by Rockefeller Foundation and the Mnistry of Public Health, Thailand

Feb 2018

Viet Nam
Management and guidance mission for JICA Project for Improvement of Hospital Management Competency at Cho Ray Hospital

Feb 2018

Management and guidance mission for JICA Project for Maternal and Child Health Service Improvement (Phase II)

Feb 2018

Management and guidance mission for medical payment system

Jan 2018

Viet Nam
Viet Nam NCGM overseas bases meeting

Jan 2018

Signing ceremony of the MoU with the University of the Philippines Manila and guidance to NCGM staff seconded to WHO/WPRO

Dec 2017

Annual report meeting at the National Maternal and Child Health Centre and observation of related medical facilities

Dec 2017

Local monitoring assessment for JICA Project for Strengthening Post-graduate Training for Health Professionals in Primary and Secondary Level Health Facilities in Mongolia

Oct 2017

Viet Nam
Joint Coordinating Committee of JICA Project for Improvement of Hospital Management Competency at Cho Ray Hospital/ Discussion on the collaboration between Cho Ray and Bac Mai hospitals

Sep 2017

Discussion on activity extension of the Health Information System Working Team

Aug 2017

Management and guiance mission for JICA Project for Reinforcement of Human Resource Management Network

Jul 2017

Management and guidance mission for JICA Project for Strengthening Post-graduate Training for Health Professionals in Primary and Secondary Level Health Facilities in Mongolia

Jul 2017

Management and guidance mission for JICA Project for Improving Continuum of Care with a Focus on Intra partum and Neonatal Care in Cambodia

Jul 2017

Management and guidance mission for JICA Project for Strengthening Medical Equipment Maintenance, Management and Diagnosis

Jun 2017

Viet Nam
Management and guidance mission and participation in annual hospitals meeting in northern Viet Nam

Jun 2017

Democratic Republic of Congo
Summative evaluation of JICA Project for Human Resources for Health Phase II and preparatory mission for detailed planning of Phase III

Jun 2017

Sierra Leone & Liberia
Follow-up of health care associated infection (HCAI) management training of the trainers

Jun 2017

Preparatory mission for detailed planning of JICA Project for Sustainable Development and Quality Assurance of Healthcare Professionals in Lao PDR

May 2017

Management and guidance mission for JICA Project for Maternal and Child Health Service Improvement (Phase II)

Mar 2017

Preparatory assessment for the maintenance of teaching hospitals

Jan 2017

Management and guidance mission for JICA Project for Strengthening Basic Health Care Services Management for Universal Health Coverage in Zambia