Toppage > Activities > Overseas activities > Technical cooperations
Technical cooperations
Aiming to improve nationwide public health through cooperation projects with developing countries
Bureau of International Health Cooperation is dispatching doctors, nurses, midwives, etc. as public health or medical experts to technical cooperation projects that were adopted by developing countries and the Government of Japan aiming to resolve health problems in developing countries.
There are different types of technical cooperation: the ones that strengthen health system for people to lead healthier lives, the ones that formulate mechanisms to develop health human resources such as doctors, nurses and midwives, and the others that distribute techniques to prevent infectious disease.
The dispatched experts seldom provide health services directly to the local population. Rather, the experts identify local issues together with local health administrators and healthcare workers, consider their solution together, and strive to improve the nationwide public health by transmitting necessary techniques and knowledge. We value the ownership of the counterparts in developing countries so that the outcomes of the technical cooperation can be sustainable.
Current technical cooperation projects
As of May 2017
The Kingdom of Cambodia
May 2016-May 2021
JICA Project for Improving Continuum of Care with a Focus on Intra partum and Neonatal Care in Cambodia
Link to project summary
Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
Dec 2016-Dec 2021
JICA Project for Improvement of Hospital Management Competency
Link to project summary
May 2016-May 2020
JICA Vietnam Project for Strengthening the Clinical Training System for New-Graduate Nurses(Link to JICA site)
Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Nov 2015-Nov 2017
JICA Myanmar Advisor for Infectious Disease Control and Laboratory Services
Link to project summary
May 2015-May 2020
JICA Project for Strengthening Post-graduate Training for Health Professionals in Primary and Secondary Level Health Facilities in Mongolia(Link to JICA site)
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Feb 2016-Feb 2021
JICA Lao PDR Project for Improving the Quality of Health Care Services
Link to project summary
May 2018-Apr 2023
JICA Project for Sustainable Development and Quality Assurance of Healthcare Professionals in Lao PDR
Mar 2016-Mar 2018
JICA Health Policy Advisor to Lao PDR
Link to project summary
Democratic Republic of Congo
Jun 2013-Jun 2017
JICA Democratic Republic of Congo Technical Advisor to the Secretary-General, Ministry of Health
Link to project summary
Republic of Zambia
Oct 2015-Sep 2019
JICA Project for Strengthening Basic Health Care Services Management for Universal Health Coverage in Zambia(Link to JICA site)
Republic of Senegal
Aug 2014-Aug 2016
JICA Senegal Technical Advisor to Cabinet of the Minister of Health(Link to JICA site)
Link to project summary
Nov 2012-Nov 2017
JICA Senegal Project to Strengthen Maternal and Neonatal Healthcare Phase2(Link to JICA site)
Secondment to the World Health Organization (WHO) Head Quarters
Cancer Control, Management of Non-communicable Diseases Unit (MND), Department of Management of NCD, Disability, Violence and Injury Prevention (NVI)