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Research results in fiscal 2012

Disease control

Research areasCountryAuthorsPublications
Vaccine preventable diseases Hachiya M, Sakurada S, Mizuno T, Sugiura Y Poliovirus eradication. Lancet Infect Dis 2012, 12(6):433.
Emerging infectious diseases Indonesia

Hanafusa S, Muhadir A, Santoso H, Tanaka K, Anwar M, Sulistyo ET, Hachiya M

A surveillance model for human avian influenza with a comprehensive surveillance system for local-priority communicable diseases in South sulawesi, indonesia. Trop Med Health 2012, 40(4):141-147.

Major infectious diseases Zambia Miyano S, Dube C, Kayama N, Ishikawa N, Nozaki I, Syakantu G Association between tuberculosis treatment outcomes and the mobile antiretroviral therapy programme in Zambia. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2013, 17(4):540-545.
Non-communicable diseases Musch DC, Shimizu T, Niziol LM, Gillespie BW, Cashwell LF, Lichter PR Clinical characteristics of newly diagnosed primary, pigmentary and pseudoexfoliative open-angle glaucoma in the Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study. Br J Ophthalmol 2012, 96(9):1180-1184.
Major infectious diseases Niger Nonaka D, Maazou A, Yamagata S, Oumarou I, Uchida T, Yacouba HJ, Kobayashi J, Takeuchi T, Mizoue T Distribution of Subsidized Insecticide-treated Bed Nets through a Community Health Committee in Boboye Health District, Niger. Trop Med Health 2012, 40(4):125-131.
Major infectious diseases Zambia Nozaki I, Dube C, Kakimoto K, Yamada N, Simpungwe JB Social factors affecting ART adherence in rural settings in Zambia. AIDS Care 2011, 23(7):831-838.
Major infectious diseases Zambia Nozaki I, Kuriyama M, Manyepa P, Zyambo MK, Kakimoto K, Barnighausen T False Beliefs About ART Effectiveness, Side Effects and the Consequences of Non-retention and Non-adherence Among ART Patients in Livingstone, Zambia. AIDS Behav 2012.
Major infectious diseases Lao PDR & Viet Nam Pongvongsa T, Ha H, Thanh L, Marchand RP, Nonaka D, Tojo B, Phongmany P, Moji K, Kobayashi J Joint malaria surveys lead towards improved cross-border cooperation between Savannakhet province, Laos and Quang Tri province, Vietnam. Malar J 2012, 11(1):262.
Major infectious diseases Poudel-Tandukar K, Poudel KC, Jimba M, Kobayashi J, Johnson CA, Palmer PH Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin d levels and C-reactive protein in persons with human immunodeficiency virus infection. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2013, 29(3):528-534.
Major infectious diseases Zambia Sasaki Y, Kakimoto K, Dube C, Sikazwe I, Moyo C, Syakantu G, Komada K, Miyano S, Ishikawa N, Kita K, Kai I Adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) during the early months of treatment in rural Zambia: influence of demographic characteristics and social surroundings of patients. Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob 2012, 11:34-0711-11-34.
Major infectious diseases Nepal Sherchan JB, Ohara H, Sakurada S, Basnet A, Sherchand JB, Bam DS Enteric Opportunistic Parasitic Infections Among HIV Seropositive Patients in Kathmandu, Nepal. Kathmandu Univ Med J (KUMJ) 2012, 10(38):14-17.

Maternal and child health

Research areasCountryAuthorsPublications
Maternal and neonatal health; major infectious diseases Ishikawa N, Miyano S, Sikazwe I Nevirapine prophylaxis during breastfeeding. Lancet 2012, 379(9828):1787-8; author reply 1788.


Research areasCountry国AuthorsPublications
School health Myanmar & Thailand Akiyama T, Win T, Maung C, Ray P, Kaji A, Tanabe A, Jimba M, Kobayashi J Making schools healthy among Burmese migrants in Thailand. Health Promot Int 2012.
International health cooperation Kitamura T, Obara H, Takashima Y, Takahashi K, Inaoka K, Nagai M, Endo H, Jimba M, Sugiura Y World Health Assembly Agendas and trends of international health issues for the last 43 years: Analysis of World Health Assembly Agendas between 1970 and 2012. Health Policy 2013.
International health cooperation Matsubara C, Ikeda N, Ishijima H, Handa Y Technologies for global health. Lancet 2012, 380(9855):1738-9; author reply 1739.
Patient safety Viet Nam Muc P, Huy T, Huong H, Sonoda M, Taneda K Assessment on Voluntarily Reported Medical Accidents of Vietnamese Hospitals Within Period of 2010-2011. Journal of Clinical Medicine Vietnam 2012, 11:8-14.
Disaster medicine Japan Murakami H, Akashi H, Noda S, Mizoue T, Okazaki O, Ouchi Y, Okaji Y, Kajiwara C, Miyoshi C A Cross-Sectional Survey of Blood Pressure of a Coastal City's Resident Victims of the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami. Am J Hypertens 2013.