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Research results in fiscal 2017

Disease control

Research areasCountryAuthorsPublications
Major infectious diseases Zambia Miyano S; Gardner Syakantu; Komada K; Endo Y; Sugishita T: Cost-effectiveness analysis of the national decentralization policy of antiretroviral treatment programme in Zambia. BMC Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 2017
Major infectious diseases Viet Nam  Ishimaru T, Wada K, Hoang HTX, Bui ATM, Nguyen HD, Le H, Smith DR: Nurses' willingness to care for patients infected with HIV or Hepatitis B / C in Vietnam.Environ Health Prev Med 2017;22:9
Infectious disease control Nepal Tada T, Shrestha S, Shimada K,  Ohara H,  Sherchand JB, Pokhrel BM, Kirikae T: PER-8 a novel extended-spectrum β-lactamase PER variant, from an Acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolate in Nepal. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2017; 61(3) e00694-17: 1-5.
Infectious disease control Nepal Shrestha B, Tada T, Shimada K, Shrestha S, Ohara H, Pokhrel BM, Sherchand B, Kirikae T: Emergence of various NDM-type-metallo-β- lactamase-producing Escherichia coli clinical isolates in Nepal. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2017; 61(12) e01425-17: 1-6
Infectious disease control
Ikeda T, Suzuki J,   Norizuki M,   Okabe T, Onishi T, Sasahara T, Toshima M, Yokota H, Hatakeyama S, Morisawa Y: Cutaneous invasive aspergillosis in a patient with glioblastoma receiving long-term temozolomide and corticosteroid therapy.Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, 23(4), 253-255.
Infectious disease control Lao PDR Hachiya M, Miyano S, Mori Y, Vynnycky E, Keungsaneth P, Vongphrachanh P, Xeuatvongsa A, Sisouk T, Som-Oulay V, Khamphaphongphane B, Sengkeopaseuth B, Pathammavong C, Phounphenghak K, Kitamura T, Takeda M, Komase K: Evaluation of nationwide supplementary immunization in Lao People's Democratic Republic: Population-based seroprevalence survey of anti-measles and anti-rubella IgG in children and adults, mathematical modelling and a stability testing of the vaccine.PLoS One. 2018 Mar 29;13(3):e0194931.
Non-communicable diseases Viet Nam Miyakawa M, Shimizu T, Nguyen Van Dat, Phung Thanh, Pham Thi Phuong Thuy, Nguyen Thi Hoang Anh, Nguyen Huu Chau, Matsushita Y, Kajio H, Vien Quang Mai and Hachiya M: Prevalence, perception and factors associated with diabetes mellitus among the adult population in central Vietnam: a population-based, cross-sectional seroepidemiological survey. BMC Public Health, Published: 5 April 2017.
Non-communicable diseases Japan Eguchi H, Wada K, Prieto-Merino D, Smith DR: Lung, gastric and colorectal cancer mortality by occupation and industry among working-aged men in Japan. Sci Rep 2017;7:43204.
 Infectious disease control Japan  Ishimaru T, Wada K, Smith DR:  A consensus for occupational health management of healthcare workers infected with human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, and/or hepatitis C virus. J Occup Health 2017;59:304-8.
Nosocomial infection control Nepal Ohara H, Sherchan JB, Pokhrel BM, Sherchand JB: Review of collaboration between Trihuvan University Institute of Medicine in Nepal and National Center for Global Health and Medicine in Japan on nosocomial infection control and proposal for improvement. J Inst Med 2017; 39(2) 101-108. 

Maternal and child health

Research areasCountryAuthorsPublications
Maternal and neonatal health Japan Haruyama R, Gilmour S, Ota E, Abe SK, Rahman MM, Nomura S, Miyasaka N, Shibuya K: Causes and risk factors for singleton stillbirth in Japan: Analysis of a nationwide perinatal database, 2013-2014. Sci Rep. 2018 Mar 7;8(1):4117.
Maternal and child health Japan Akashi H, Ishioka M, Hagiwara A, Akashi R, Osanai Y: Core factors promoting a continuum of care for maternal, newborn, and child health in Japan.Biosci Trends. 2018 Mar 18;12(1):1-6.
doi: 10.5582/bst.2017.01304.

Health system strengthening

Research areasCountryAuthorsPublications
Hunan resources for health Lao PDR Sonoda M, Bounkong Syhavong, Chanphomma Vongsamphanh, Phisith Phoutsavath, Phengdy Inthapanith, Arie Rotem, and Fujita N: The evolution of the national licensing system of health care professionals: a qualitative descriptive case study in Lao People’s Democratic Republic.Human Resources for Health. 2017;15:51. 
Human resources for health Senegal Nagai M, Fujita N, Diouf IS, Salla M: Retention of qualified healthcare workers in rural Senegal: lessons learned from a qualitative study. Rural and Remote Health (Internet) 2017; 17: 4149. 
Human resources for health Viet Nam Kimiko Inaoka, Junko Tashiro, Le Thi My Hanh:

Perceived issues in nursing practice among nurses working at a neurosurgical care unit in Vietnam: A qualitative study.看護科学研究 vol. 16, 1-12 (2018).

Health care reform Viet Nam  Takashima K, Wada K, Tra TT, Smith DR: A review of Vietnam’s healthcare reform through the Direction of Healthcare Activities (DOHA). Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine2017:22;74.
Health financing Japan Nozaki I, Wada K, Utsunomiya O: Public views of health insurance in Japan during the era of attaining universal health coverage: a secondary analysis of an opinion poll on health insurance in 1967.Journal of Public Health Research 2017;6:884.
Health financing  Ghana  Dalaba MA, Welaga P, Matsubara C:   Cost of delivering health care services at
primary health facilities in Ghana.BMC Health Serv Res.
Health care for elderly   Japan Sudo K, Kobayashi J, Noda S, Fukuda Y, Takahashi K:  Japan's healthcare policy for the elderly through the concepts of self-help (Ji-jo), mutual aid (Go-jo), social solidarity care (Kyo-jo), and governmental care (Ko-jo). Biosci Trends. 2018 Mar 18;12(1):7-11.


Research areasCountryAuthorsPublications
Industrial health Japan Eguchi H, Wada K, Higuchi Y,
Smith DR:
Psychosocial factors and colleagues'
perceptions of return-to-work opportunities for workers with a psychiatric disorder: a Japanese population-based study.Environ Health Prev Med 2017;22:23.
Occupational health Lap PDR Matsubara C, Sakisaka K, Sychareun V, Phensavanh A, Ali M: Prevalence and risk factors of needle stick and sharp injury among tertiary hospital workers, Vientiane, Lao PDR.J Occup Health. 2017 Sep 13. doi: 10.1539/joh.17-0084-FS. [Epub ahead of print].
Industrial health Japan Descatha A, Tatzber SS, Burgess J, Cassan P, Kubo T, Rotthier S, Wada K, Baer M, EPROH Scientific Committee: Emergency Preparedness and Response in Occupational Setting: A Position Statement.Front Public Health. 2017; 5: 251.
Occupational health Japan Ishimaru T, Wada K,Sara A, Derek S: Willingness to care for bood-borne virus infected patients in Thailand. Occup Med 2018 doi:10.1093/occmed/kqy040.
Environmental health Japan Kakamu T, Wada K, Smith DR, Endo S, Fukushima T: Preventing heat illness in the anticipated hot climate of the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games.Environ Health Prev Med 2017;22:68.
Travel medicine Japan Nakamura S, Wada K, Yanagisawa N, Smith DR:  Health risks and precautions for visitors to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.Travel Med Infect Dis. 2018 Jan 19. pii: S1477-8939(18)30005-X.