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Research results in fiscal 2014

Disease control

Research areasCountryAuthorsPublications
Nosocomial infection control Nepal Sah MK, Mishra SK, Ohara H, Kirikae T, Sherchan JB, Rijal BP, Pokhrel BM Nosocomial bacterial infection and antimicrobial resistant pattern in a tertiary care hospital in Nepal. J Inst Med 2014,36(3):38-48.
Major infectious diseases Myanmar Latt Latt Kyaw, Ikuma Nozaki, Koji Wada, Khin Yi Oo, Htay Htay Tin & Namiko Yoshihara LESSONS FROM THE FIELD Ensuring accurate testing for human immunodeficiency virus in Myanmar.Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2015, 93(1):1-64.
Major infectious diseases Myanmar Thida Aung, Ikuma Nozaki, Nwe Nwe Oo, Kyu Kyu Swe, Koji Wada, Namiko Yoshihara Reducing the risk of HIV transmission through blood transfusion in the National Blood Center, Myanmar. ISBT Science Series (in press).
Nosocomial infection control Nepal Tada T, Miyoshi-Akiyama T, Dahal RK, Sah MK, Ohara H, Shimada K, Kirikae T, Pokhrel BM NDM-1 Metallo-beta-Lactamase and ArmA 16S rRNA methylase producing Providencia rettgeri clinical isolates in Nepal. BMC Infect Dis 2014, 14:56-2334-14-56.
Nosocomial infection control Nepal Tada T, Shrestha B, Miyoshi-Akiyama T, Shimada K, Ohara H, Kirikae T, Pokhrel BM  NDM-12, a novel New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase variant from a carbapenem-resistant Escherichia coli clinical isolate in Nepal. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2014, 58(10):6302-6305.
Major infectious diseases Hang NT, Matsushita I, Shimbo T, Hong LT, Tam DB, Lien LT, Thuong PH, Cuong VC, Hijikata M, Kobayashi N, Sakurada S, Higuchi K, Harada N, Endo H, Keicho N Association between tuberculosis recurrence and interferon-gamma response during treatment. J Infect 2014.
Major infectious diseases Japan Eguchi H, Wada K, Smith DR Sociodemographic Factors and Prejudice toward HIV and Hepatitis B/C Status in a Working-Age Population: Results from a National, Cross-Sectional Study in Japan. PLoS One 2014, 9(5):e96645.
Nosocomial infection control Nepal Tada T, Miyoshi-Akiyama T, Dahal RK, Mishra SK, Shimada K, Ohara H, Kirikae T, Pokhrel BM Identification of a novel 6'-N-aminoglycoside acetyltransferase, AAC(6')-Iak, from a multidrug-resistant clinical isolate of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2014, 58(10):6324-6327.
Dermatology Japan Sugiura S, Tazuke M, Ueno S, Sugiura Y, Kato I, Miyahira Y, Yamamoto Y, Sato H, Udagawa J, Uehara M, Sugiura H Effect of Prolactin-Induced Protein on Human Skin: New Insight into the Digestive Action of This Aspartic Peptidase on the Stratum Corneum and Its Induction of Keratinocyte Proliferation. J Invest Dermatol 2014.
Hepatitis Japan Wada K, Smith DR, Eguchi H Ongoing care and follow-up behavior of working age Japanese with hepatits C virus. The Open Public Health Journal 2014, 7:1-5.

Maternal and child health

Research areasCountryAuthorsPublications
Maternal and neonatal health Western Pacific Obara H (WPRO, as a seconded staff from NCGM), Sobel H Quality maternal and newborn care to ensure a healthy start for every newborn in the World Health Organization Western Pacific Region. BJOG 2014, 121(Suppl. 4):154-159.
Maternal and neonatal health Bellizzi S, Sobel HL, Obara H, Temmerman M Underuse of modern methods of contraception: underlying causes and consequent undesired pregnancies in 35 low- and middle-income countries.Hum Reprod 2015, 30(4):973-986.
Maternal and neonatal health Souza JP, Widmer M, Gulmezoglu AM, Lawrie TA, Adejuyigbe EA, Carroli G, Crowther C, Currie SM, Dowswell T, Hofmeyr J, Lavender T, Lawn J, Mader S, Martinez FE, Mugerwa K, Qureshi Z, Silvestre MA, Soltani H, Torloni MR, Tsigas EZ, Vowles Z, Ouedraogo L, Serruya S, Al-Raiby J, Awin N, Obara,H.(WPRO, as a seconded staff from NCGM), Mathai M, Bahl R, Martines J, Ganatra B, Phillips SJ, Johnson BR, Vogel JP, Oladapo OT, Temmerman M Maternal and perinatal health research priorities beyond 2015: an international survey and prioritization exercise. Reprod Health 2014, 11:61-4755-11-61.

Health system strengthening

Research areasCountryAuthorsPublications
Health system strengthening Lao PDR Sone K, Nakao M, Lamaningao P, Sugiura Y, Yamamotol H, Yamaoka K Relationship between active information exchange and the quality of life (qol) of women living in Lao People's Democratic Republic. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2014, 45(4):956-966.


Research areasCountryAuthorsPublications
Disaster medicine Japan Matsubara C, Murakami H, Imai K, Mizoue T, Akashi H, Miyoshi C, Nakasa T Prevalence and Risk Factors for Depressive Reaction among Resident Survivors after the Tsunami following the Great East Japan Earthquake, March 11, 2011. PLoS One 2014, 9(10):e109240.
Industrial health Japan Akahane K, Tsunoda N, Murata T, Fujii M, Fuwa Y, Wada K, Oda K, Nagino M An awareness survey of surgeons involved in breast cancer treatment regarding their patients returning to work. Nagoya J Med Sci 2014, 76:315-322.
Mental health Japan Wada K, Eguchi H, Yoneoka D, Okahisa J, Smith DR Associations between psychological distress and the most concerning present personal problems among working-age men in Japan. BMC Public Health 2015, 15(305).