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Quality health service delivery and human resources

Our aim
We aim to recognize new health challenges at an early stage and contribute to the establishment of health service delivery systems that “leave no one behind”
Our actions
- Providing technical inputs to the international organizations, such as
- World Health Organization
- The Global Fund
- L' ’amicale de la Santé en Afrique Francophone (LAF)
- Health System Global
- Others
- Providing direct technical inputs to low- and middle-income countries
- To develop, dispatch, and retain qualified and highly competent health workers who can address emerging health needs among various populations (e.g., Mongolia, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Senegal, Democratic Republic of Congo)
- To deliver better health service at health facilities in order to address emerging health needs among populations (e.g., Zambia, Laos PDR, Senegal, Vietnam)
- Conducting policy research and implementation research
- To identify new categories of health workforce to address emerging health needs in Asia and Africa
- To identify the appropriate size of a qualified health workforce to develop, dispatch, and maintain in areas of need
- Others
- Organizing training courses in Japan and abroad
- For Japanese students and professionals: “Health systems to achieve Universal Health Coverage,” “Health workforce,” “Quality of care at health facilities,” “Program evaluation”
- For professionals from low- and middle- income countries: “Capacity building of nursing managers to achieve UHC,” “Better continuous education for doctors and nurses,” “Strengthening the capacity of administrative officers to implement policies related to UHC”
Recent updates
Internship for Taiwanese nursing students at NCGM
Six nursing students from Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, School of Nursing, in Taiwan, visited Japan for four days from July 31 to August 3 for training at the International Medical Cooperation Bureau and NCGM Center Hospital. The students were particularly impressed by the hospital's multidisciplinary cooperation and patient-centered medical care, as well as the attentive and passionate care provided by the ward nurses at the hospital, where there are various specialties. It was impressive to see their eagerness to apply what they had learned in the training to their own countries, comparing Japanese nursing and systems with those in their own countries.
Senior officials from Sri Lanka visited BIHC for knowledge exchange program on elderly care
BIHC organizes knowledge exchange programs from international health organizations.
From March 13th to 20th, upon the request of the World Bank, BIHC organized a knowledge exchange program on elderly care for senior officials from Sri Lanka.
The delegations learned about Japan's health system, elderly care system and education system for healthcare professionals on aging in BIHC, the National College of Nursing and the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology. They also participated in the field visits to geriatric health facilities, nursing care facilities, and community comprehensive support centers in Izunokuni-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture. On the last day, the delegations presented the current situation of elderly care in Sri Lanka and their action plans based on the knowledge they obtained through this program.
Dr. Yokobori (BIHC) explained about the Japan’s Health System
Delegations visited rehabilitation room at the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology
Delegations visited the National College of Nursing, Japan
A nursing student explained about her learning experience
Dean of the School of Nursing from the University of the Philippines Manilla visited NCGM
Dean of the School of Nursing from the University of the Philippines Manilla visited NCGM and had discussions on leadership in nursing with BIHC experts and Prof. Watanuki from the National College of Nursing.
Dr. Kyoko Sudo received the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 43rd Annual Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing Science
Dr. Sudo was awarded for her presentation on "The relationships between intention to leave and job satisfaction in Vietnamese Nurses".