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Provide expertise to diverse stakeholders

As a think tank, we provide expertise to diverse stakeholders in global health

  1. We strengthen our technical and managerial capacity to gather information and policy analysis.
  2. Based on the policy analysis, we identify issues that require policy recommendations.
  3. Based on our insights from technical cooperation and results of research, we proactively disseminate our policy analysis and recommendations on the priority areas.
  4. We increase our opportunities to be involved in policy development process and strengthen our ability to offer policy recommendations.

Members of international expert committees

The bureau staff technically contributes to international expert committees and technical advisory groups through technical input regarding global strategies, recommendations, and reports developed by international organizations.


Member of international expert committees and technical advisory panels

Our work as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Systems Development

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WHO Collaborating Centres (WCCs) are the institutions outside WHO that have been designated to internationally promote WHO’s programs. More than 800 WCCs span across approximately 80 countries. Since 2009, the Bureau of International Health Cooperation (BIHC) has been designated by the WHO as the WCC for Health Systems Development. The Bureau collaborates with the WHO in formulating policies and implementing strategies to strengthen health systems through research, assessments, and human resource development. We also participate in impact assessments of health programs within health systems and planning of research activities.



WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Systems Development

Reference number


Contract period

  • Initial designation:13 May 1985
  • Most recent re-designation: 28 July 2021
  • Expiry date of the current contract: 28 July 2025

Terms of Reference (TOR)

  • TOR 1: To assist WHO in developing health workforce regulatory framework including multi-healthcare professionals for use by countries.
  • TOR 2: To support WHO in exploring feasible options that ensure the availability of quality health workforce through competency-based pre-service training and continuous professional development (CPD)


  1. Activity 1 for TOR 1:Descriptive, comparative studies on the development process of health workforce regulations in selected countries.
  2. Activity 2 for TOR 2:Descriptive, comparative, and impact evaluation studies on Competency-based trainings for health care professionals in selected countries.
  3. Activity 3 for TOR 2:Analysis of accelerating/inhibiting factors to implement continuous professional development (CPD) of primary healthcare providers in remote areas in selected countries.