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Hiroko BABA, RN, MSN

 As of July 2024

Deputy director, Division of Human Capacity Building,
Department of Human Resource Development


Area of expertise

Human resource development in health, Training Management, Nursing Education


I am in charge of the work related to global health, both domestic and international human resource development. I have worked as a nurse in the Hight Care Unit and the New Infectious Disease Unit at NCGM Center Hospital, and later as a clinical assistant professor in basic nursing and gerontological nursing at the National College of Nursing. I hope to contribute to the realization of a society where everyone can live a healthy and joyful life by helping those who aspire to global health to gain more experience.

Long-term overseas experiences

May 1995–
Mar 1996  
Simultaneously assigned to Prime Minister’s Office (Sri Lanka, South Africa, Tanzania, U.A.E. and Singapore)
Sep 1997–
Sep 1999
JICA Project to Bolivia (Expert of Nursing Administration) Proyecto de Provisión de Atención Sanitaria y Médica en Santa Cruz
Nov 2001–
JICA Project to Myanmar (Expert of Nursing). Project for Leprosy Control and Basic Health Services
Jun 2009–
Jun 2011
JICA Project to Myanmar (Chief Advisor) Project for Strengthening Capacity of Training Teams for Basic Health Staff

Publication list

  1. Baba H, Aung MN, Miyagi A, Masu A, Yokobori Y, Kiyohara H, Otake E, Yuasa M, Exploring the contribution of Japan's experience in addressing rapid aging in Asia: Focus on dementia care, Global Health & Medicine, 2024, 6(1): 19-32. DOI: 10.35772/ghm.2023.01124
  2. Honda, A. Tamura, T. Baba, H. Kodoi, H. Noda, S. La gestion de la pandémie de Covid-19 par deux hôpitaux de la ville de Tokyo, Hôpitaux et santé publique face à la pandémie de Covid-19. Perspectives de santé mondiale, Des livres pour une science ouverte, au service du bien commun, 17 Nov. 2023; 167-193. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10149930
  3. Aya Umeda, Hiroko Baba, Shoko Ishii, So Mizuno, Experiences of nurses in charge of COVID-19 critical care patients during the initial stages of the pandemic in Japan, Global Health & Medicine. 2023; 5(3):169-177.
  4. Honda, A. Tamura, T. Baba H. Kodoi, H. Noda, S. How Hospitals Overcame Disruptions in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study from Tokyo, Japan. Health Syst Reform. 2023; 9:2175415.
  5. Honda A, Tamura T, Baba H, Kodoi H, Noda S. How should support for hospital staff during health shocks be improved? A discussion from Japan's experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Global Health & Medicine. 2022; 4:285-288.
  6. Akashi H, Kodoi H, Noda S, Tamura T, Baba H, Chinda E, Thandar MM, Naito K, Watanabe Y, Suzuki Y, Narita T, Shimazu T. Reporting on the implementation to set up a "care and isolation facility" for mild COVID-19 cases in Tokyo. Global Health & Medicine. 2022; 4:71-77.