研究分野 | 国 | 著者 | 業績 |
三大感染症 |
ネパール |
Amiya RM, Poudel KC, Poudel-Tandukar K, Kobayashi J, Pandey BD, Jimba M |
Physicians are a key to encouraging cessation of smoking among people living with HIV/AIDS: a cross-sectional study in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. BMC Public Health 2011, 11(1):677. |
非感染症疾患 |
マレーシア |
Ghani WM, Razak IA, Yang YH, Talib NA, Ikeda N, Axell T, Gupta PC, Handa Y, Abdullah N, Zain RB |
Factors affecting commencement and cessation of smoking behaviour in Malaysian adults. BMC Public Health 2012, 12(1):207. |
新興感染症 |
ー |
Hirayama T, Mizuno Y, Takeshita N, Kotaki A, Tajima S, Omatsu T, Sano K, Kurane I, Takasaki T |
Detection of dengue virus genome in urine by real-time RT-PCR: a laboratory diagnostic method useful after disappearance of the genome in serum. J Clin Microbiol 2012 |
三大感染症 |
ー |
Ishikawa N, Shimbo T, Miyano Sea |
Costing Tool for Elimination Initiative (CTEI) From costing to planning: a tool to support the initiative for elimination of new paediatric HIV infections and congenital syphilis and improvement of the health and survival of mothers and infants. |
三大感染症 |
Ishikawa N, Ishigaki K, Ghidinelli MN, Ikeda K, Honda M, Miyamoto H, Kakimoto K, Oka S |
Paediatric HIV and elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in the ASEAN region: a call to action. AIDS Care 2011, 23(4):413-416. |
三大感染症 |
ザンビア |
Msisuka C, Nozaki I, Kakimoto K, Seko M, Ulaya MSM |
An evalutation of a refresher training intervantion for HIV lay counsellors in Chongwe District, Zambia. |
新興感染症 |
日本 |
Nonaka D, Morikawa H, Arioka H, Kobayashi J, Shoda R, Mizoue T |
Behavior of Adult Influenza Patients during the 2009 Pandemic after Outpatient Clinic Presentations at a Hospital in Tokyo, Japan. Trop Med Health 2011, 39(3):83-85. |
三大感染症 |
ザンビア |
Nozaki I, Dube C, Kakimoto K, Yamada N, Simpungwe JB |
Social factors affecting ART adherence in rural settings in Zambia. AIDS Care 2011, 23(7):831-838. |
三大感染症 |
ケニア |
Okawa S, Yasuoka J, Ishikawa N, Poudel KC, Ragi A, Jimba M |
Perceived social support and the psychological well-being of AIDS orphans in urban Kenya. AIDS Care 2011, 23(9):1177-1185. |
院内感染対策 |
ネパール |
Sherchan JB, Ohara H, Sherchand JB, Tandukar S, Sakurada S, Gurung B, Ansari S, Rijal BP, Pokhrel BM |
Molecular evidence based hospital acquired rotavirus gastroenteritis in Nepal. Prime Journal of Microbiology Research 2011, 1(2):16-22. |
院内感染対策 |
ネパール |
Sherestha S, Chaudhari R, Karmacharya S, Kattel HP, Mishra SK, Dahal RK, Bam N, Banjade N, Rijal BP, Sherchand JB, Ohara H, Koirala J, Pokherel BM |
Prevalence of nosocomial lower respiratory tract infections caused by multi drug resistance pathologens. JIOM 2011, 33(2):7-14. |
ワクチン予防可能疾患 |
日本 |
Takahashi K, Kobayashi J, Sugiura Y |
The relevance of Japan’s hepatitis vaccine policy to national Hepatitis B prevention and control. Journal of Public Health Policy 2012, 33:136–138. |
ワクチン予防可能疾患 |
日本 |
Takahashi K, Ohkusa Y, Kim JY |
The economic disease burden of measles in Japan and a benefit cost analysis of vaccination, a retrospective study. BMC Health Serv Res 2011, 11(1):254. |
寄生虫 |
ラオス |
Thaenkham U, Nuamtanong S, Vonghachack Y, Yoonuan T, Sanguankiat S, Dekumyoy P, Prommasack B, Kobayashi J, Waikagul J |
Discovery of Opisthorchis lobatus (Trematoda: Opisthorchiidae): a new record of small liver flukes in the Greater Mekong Sub-region. J Parasitol 2011, 97(6):1152-1158. |
三大感染症 |
ラオス |
Toma H, Hatabu T, Vanisaveth V, Mannoor MK, Watanabe H, Li C, Kobayashi J, Phompida S, Kano S, Sato Y |
Efficacy of mefloquine treatment and genetic profiles in uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in southern Lao PDR. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2011, 42(4):759-763. |
新興感染症 |
日本 |
Yi S, Nonaka D, Nomoto M, Kobayashi J, Mizoue T |
Predictors of the uptake of A (H1N1) influenza vaccine: findings from a population-based longitudinal study in Tokyo. PLoS One 2011, 6(4):e18893. |
寄生虫 |
ー |
小林潤 |
糞線虫症.山口徹,北原光夫,福井次矢今日の治療指針2012: 東京, 医学書院2012, 244. |
三大感染症 |
ザンビア |
栗山美香, 垣本和宏, 野崎威功真, ManyepaPauline, ZyamboMatilda K. |
ザンビアにおける抗HIV治療が継続できない因子の質的分析. |