
トップページ > 2011年度業績リスト



三大感染症 ネパール Amiya RM, Poudel KC, Poudel-Tandukar K, Kobayashi J, Pandey BD, Jimba M Physicians are a key to encouraging cessation of smoking among people living with HIV/AIDS: a cross-sectional study in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. BMC Public Health 2011, 11(1):677.
非感染症疾患 マレーシア Ghani WM, Razak IA, Yang YH, Talib NA, Ikeda N, Axell T, Gupta PC, Handa Y, Abdullah N, Zain RB Factors affecting commencement and cessation of smoking behaviour in Malaysian adults. BMC Public Health 2012, 12(1):207.
新興感染症 Hirayama T, Mizuno Y, Takeshita N, Kotaki A, Tajima S, Omatsu T, Sano K, Kurane I, Takasaki T Detection of dengue virus genome in urine by real-time RT-PCR: a laboratory diagnostic method useful after disappearance of the genome in serum. J Clin Microbiol 2012
三大感染症 Ishikawa N, Shimbo T, Miyano Sea Costing Tool for Elimination Initiative (CTEI) From costing to planning: a tool to support the initiative for elimination of new paediatric HIV infections and congenital syphilis and improvement of the health and survival of mothers and infants.
三大感染症 ASEAN Ishikawa N, Ishigaki K, Ghidinelli MN, Ikeda K, Honda M, Miyamoto H, Kakimoto K, Oka S Paediatric HIV and elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in the ASEAN region: a call to action. AIDS Care 2011, 23(4):413-416.
三大感染症 ザンビア Msisuka C, Nozaki I, Kakimoto K, Seko M, Ulaya MSM An evalutation of a refresher training intervantion for HIV lay counsellors in Chongwe District, Zambia.
新興感染症 日本  Nonaka D, Morikawa H, Arioka H, Kobayashi J, Shoda R, Mizoue T  Behavior of Adult Influenza Patients during the 2009 Pandemic after Outpatient Clinic Presentations at a Hospital in Tokyo, Japan. Trop Med Health 2011, 39(3):83-85. 
三大感染症 ザンビア Nozaki I, Dube C, Kakimoto K, Yamada N, Simpungwe JB  Social factors affecting ART adherence in rural settings in Zambia. AIDS Care 2011, 23(7):831-838.
三大感染症 ケニア Okawa S, Yasuoka J, Ishikawa N, Poudel KC, Ragi A, Jimba M  Perceived social support and the psychological well-being of AIDS orphans in urban Kenya. AIDS Care 2011, 23(9):1177-1185.
院内感染対策 ネパール Sherchan JB, Ohara H, Sherchand JB, Tandukar S, Sakurada S, Gurung B, Ansari S, Rijal BP, Pokhrel BM  Molecular evidence based hospital acquired rotavirus gastroenteritis in Nepal. Prime Journal of Microbiology Research 2011, 1(2):16-22. 
院内感染対策 ネパール Sherestha S, Chaudhari R, Karmacharya S, Kattel HP, Mishra SK, Dahal RK, Bam N, Banjade N, Rijal BP, Sherchand JB, Ohara H, Koirala J, Pokherel BM Prevalence of nosocomial lower respiratory tract infections caused by multi drug resistance pathologens. JIOM 2011, 33(2):7-14.
ワクチン予防可能疾患 日本 Takahashi K, Kobayashi J, Sugiura Y The relevance of Japan’s hepatitis vaccine policy to national Hepatitis B prevention and control. Journal of Public Health Policy 2012, 33:136–138.
ワクチン予防可能疾患 日本 Takahashi K, Ohkusa Y, Kim JY The economic disease burden of measles in Japan and a benefit cost analysis of vaccination, a retrospective study. BMC Health Serv Res 2011, 11(1):254.
寄生虫 ラオス Thaenkham U, Nuamtanong S, Vonghachack Y, Yoonuan T, Sanguankiat S, Dekumyoy P, Prommasack B, Kobayashi J, Waikagul J Discovery of Opisthorchis lobatus (Trematoda: Opisthorchiidae): a new record of small liver flukes in the Greater Mekong Sub-region. J Parasitol 2011, 97(6):1152-1158.
三大感染症 ラオス Toma H, Hatabu T, Vanisaveth V, Mannoor MK, Watanabe H, Li C, Kobayashi J, Phompida S, Kano S, Sato Y Efficacy of mefloquine treatment and genetic profiles in uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in southern Lao PDR. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2011, 42(4):759-763.
新興感染症 日本 Yi S, Nonaka D, Nomoto M, Kobayashi J, Mizoue T Predictors of the uptake of A (H1N1) influenza vaccine: findings from a population-based longitudinal study in Tokyo. PLoS One 2011, 6(4):e18893.
寄生虫 小林潤 糞線虫症.山口徹,北原光夫,福井次矢今日の治療指針2012: 東京, 医学書院2012, 244.
三大感染症 ザンビア 栗山美香, 垣本和宏, 野崎威功真, ManyepaPauline, ZyamboMatilda K. ザンビアにおける抗HIV治療が継続できない因子の質的分析.


妊産婦・新生児保健・三大感染症 Ishikawa N, Miyano S, Sikazwe I Nevirapine prophylaxis during breastfeeding. Lancet 2012, 379(9828):1787-8; author reply 1788.


保健システム強化 宮本英樹, 池上清子 The Prince Mahidol Award Conference 2012,Moving towards Universal Health Coverage;Health Financing Mattersに参加して. 国際保健医療 2012, 27(2):191-194.
保健システム強化 インドネシア 江上由里子, 安川孝志, 廣田光恵, 村越英治郎, 垣本和宏 インドネシア共和国の保健医療の現状. 国際保健医療 2012, 27(2):171-181.
保健システム強化 仲佐保, 渡辺学, 野崎威功真 第27回国際保健医療学会シンポジウム「ポストMDGs: 2016年以降の開発戦略」報告. 国際保健医療 2012, 27(4):395-396.


学校保健 ミャンマー、タイ Akiyama T, Win T, Maung C, Ray P, Kaji A, Tanabe A, Jimba M, Kobayashi J Making schools healthy among Burmese migrants in Thailand. Health Promot Int 2012.
国際医療協力 Kitamura T, Obara H, Takashima Y, Takahashi K, Inaoka K, Nagai M, Endo H, Jimba M, Sugiura Y World Health Assembly Agendas and trends of international health issues for the last 43 years: Analysis of World Health Assembly Agendas between 1970 and 2012. Health Policy 2013.
国際医療協力 Matsubara C, Ikeda N, Ishijima H, Handa Y Technologies for global health. Lancet 2012, 380(9855):1738-9; author reply 1739.
医療事故 ベトナム Muc P, Huy T, Huong H, Sonoda M, Taneda K Assessment on Voluntarily Reported Medical Accidents of Vietnamese Hospitals Within Period of 2010-2011. Journal of Clinical Medicine Vietnam 2012, 11:8-14.
災害医療 日本 Murakami H, Akashi H, Noda S, Mizoue T, Okazaki O, Ouchi Y, Okaji Y, Kajiwara C, Miyoshi C A Cross-Sectional Survey of Blood Pressure of a Coastal City's Resident Victims of the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami. Am J Hypertens 2013.