
トップページ > 2016年度業績リスト



三大感染症 ベトナム Hijikata M, Matsushita I, Le Hang NT, Thuong PH, Tam DB, Maeda S, Sakurada S, Cuong VC, Lien LT, Keicho N: Influence of the polymorphism of the DUSP14 gene on the expression of immune-related genes and development of pulmonary tuberculosis. Genes Immun 2016, 17(4):207-212.
三大感染症 日本  Ishimaru T, Wada K, Arphorn S, Smith DR: Attitudes of nurses toward HIV-infected colleagues in Japan. Contemp Nurse 2016, :1-10.
三大感染症 ネパール Thuong PH, Tam DB, Sakurada S, Hang NT, Hijikata M, Hong LT, Ngoc PT, Anh PT, Cuong VC, Matsushita I, Lien LT, Keicho N: Circulating granulysin levels in healthcare workers and latent tuberculosis infection estimated using interferon-gamma release assays. BMC Infect Dis 2016, 16(1):580.
感染症対策 日本 Miyoshi-Akiyama T, Sherchan JB, Nagamatsu M, Sherchand JB, Tandukar S, Ohmagari N, Kirikae T, Ohara H, Hayakawa K: Comparative Genome Analysis of Extended-Spectrum-beta-Lactamase-Producing Escherichia coli Sequence Type 131 Strains from Nepal and Japan. mSphere 2016, 1(5):e00289-16. eCollection 2016 Sep-Oct.
Sherchan JB, Gurung P, Karkee P, Ranabhat N, Shrestha N, Ohara H: Microbiological and Clinical Profile of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Isolates in Kathmandu University Hospital. J Nepal Health Res Counc 2016, 14(32):33-38.
感染症対策 ネパール Tada T, Shrestha S, Shimada K, Ohara H, Sherchand JB, Pokhrel BM, Kirikae T PER-8, a novel extended-spectrum beta-lactamase PER variant, from an Acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolate in Nepal. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2016.
感染症対策 日本 Wada K, Sugiura Y, Akashi H, Nakasa T:  東京2020オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会に関与する自治体における感染症対策のためのリスク評価. 日本医師会雑誌 2016, 145(7):1459-1468.
感染症対策 世界 蜂矢 正彦, 櫻田 紳策: 【エンテロウイルス感染症を見直す】 ポリオについての最近の動き ポリオ根絶の状況、世界での不活化ワクチン導入とタイプ2ポリオウイルスの廃棄. 小児科 2016, 57(7):943-948.
感染症対策 日本 和田 耕司, 吉川 徹, 李 宗子, 満田 年宏, 木戸内 清, 網中 眞由美, 黒須 一見, 森澤 雄司, 森屋 恭爾 エピネット日本版サーベイランス参加医療機関における病室内外の針刺し切創の解析 : 2013から2014年度. 日本環境感染学会誌 = Japanese journal of environmental infecions 2017, 32(1):6-12.


妊産婦新・新生児保健 世界 Kikuchi K, Okawa S, Zamawe CO, Shibanuma A, Nanishi K, Iwamoto A, Saw YM, Jimba M: Effectiveness of Continuum of Care-Linking Pre-Pregnancy Care and Pregnancy Care to Improve Neonatal and Perinatal Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. PLoS One 2016, 11(10):e0164965. 
母子保健 マダガスカル Razanamihaja N, Makino Y, Ogawa H, Ikeda N, Miyazaki H: The assessment of status of tobacco smoking among urban primary schoolchildren in Madagascar. Health Promot Int 2016
母子保健   蜂矢 正彦, 藤澤 知雄: 遺伝性ヘモクロマトーシス. 小児臨床肝臓学―臨床と肝臓画像・病理― 2017(予定).


保健システム強化 アフリカ 
Fujita N, Nagai M, Diouf ISN, Shimizu T, Tamura T: The Role of a Network of Human Resources for Health Managers in Supporting Leadership for Health Systems Strengthening in Francophone African Countries. Health Systems & Reform 2016, 2(3):254-264.
保健システム強化 世界 Japan Global Health Working Group: Protecting human security: proposals for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit in Japan. Lancet 2016, 387(10033):2155-2162. 
保健システム強化 カンボジア Koto-Shimada K, Yanagisawa S, Boonyanurak P, Fujita N: Building the capacity of nursing professionals in Cambodia: Insights from a bridging programme for faculty development. Int J Nurs Pract 2016, 22 Suppl 1:22-30.


産業保健 日本 Eguchi H, Wada K, Prieto-Merino D, Smith DR Lung, gastric and colorectal cancer mortality by occupation and industry among working-aged men in Japan
産業保健 日本 Eguchi H, Wada K, Smith DR Recognition, Compensation, and Prevention of Karoshi, or Death due to Overwork. J Occup Environ Med 2016, 58(8):e313-4.
産業保健 日本 Wada K, Eguchi H, Prieto-Merino D, Smith DR:. Occupational differences in suicide mortality among Japanese men of working age. J Affect Disord 2016, 190:316-321
産業保健 日本 Wada K, Higuchi Y, Smith DR: Assessing the Impact of Nationwide Smoking Cessation Interventions among Employed, Middle-Aged Japanese Men, 2005-2010. PLoS One 2016, 11(5):e0155151.
産業保健 日本 Wada K, Eguchi H, Prieto-Merino D Differences in stroke and ischemic heart disease mortality by occupation and industry among Japanese working-aged men. SSM - Population Health 2016, 2:745-749.
災害医療 日本 Matsubara C, Murakami H, Imai K, Mizoue T, Akashi H, Miyoshi C, Nakasa T: Prevalence and Risk Factors for Post-Traumatic Stress Reaction Among Resident Survivors of the Tsunami That Followed the Great East Japan Earthquake, March 11, 2011. Disaster Med Public Health Prep 2016, 10(5):746-753.